At the bottom of the page you can see sample protocols of how your test answers are delivered.
Routine analyzes of screw samples consist of soil type classification and determination of water ratio and yield point. We can also perform determination of bulk density, valuable input for, for example, CPT evaluations.​
Routine analyzes of flask samples consist of soil type classification and determination of water ratio, bulk density and cone yield strength. For piston samples, we always do a thorough review and assessment of sample quality. Routine analysis of piston samples also includes drop cone tests on intact samples, an index test for estimating the soil's in-situ shear strength. We also report values ​​of stirred strength to give the customer a better understanding of the properties of the soil.
We perform all types of triaxial attempts for both routine and advanced special attempts, for example consolidated undrained or drained, active or passive. We can also carry out special attempts with special stress paths, load histories, strain paths, etc. We also perform permeability attempts in the triaxial apparatus.​
Sample dimensions are 50mm or trimmed down to 38mm. We are of course helpful in evaluating parameters for shear strength, deformation, anisotropy, yield surface or special parameters for constitutive soil models in FEM programs. Get in touch for more information about equipment, execution, controls, evaluation or use of results.
Triaxial tests are carried out in climate rooms that maintain a temperature of approx. +7°.
Direct shear attempts are performed to determine the undrained shear strength of a soil. The direct shear strength is a representative average value for calculations of, for example, slope stability calculations.
The direct shear attempt has been shown to have high reliability and has also been shown to be less sensitive to sampling disturbances compared to drop cone tests.
Strain-controlled shear attempts have been shown to be superior to the older stress-controlled equipment. With state-of-the-art equipment, we can perform undrained and drained shear attempts with varying shear rates. The samples are consolidated to the desired effective stresses in an unlimited number of steps.
Shear attempts are performed in climate rooms that maintain a temperature of approx. +7°.
​The essential in the examination of soil samples is the determination of its grain size distribution. For the fractions stone, gravel and sand, sieving is often used and for fine soil content, i.e. silt and clay, sedimentation analyzes are used.​
We can help with everything from simple wash sieving for the determination of fine soil content to complete analyzes of grain size distribution with wash sieving from the 63 mm fraction and sedimentation analysis with the hydrometer method.
When planning soil reinforcement of loose soil, attempts are preferably carried out with the stabilization of occupied soil samples.
We combine seismic measurements with uniaxial pressure tests to be able to account for the growth of the shear strength over time. This provides valuable information on the effect of different binders given the current soil conditions.
Incorporation of stabilizers is carried out according to customer requirements order, but we are happy to help with the choice of mixing quantity, binder and mixing conditions. Our in package for stabilized material includes one every week after the mixing date and pressure test after 28 days, but we have the possibility to do seismic measurements to follow the growth at more dates.​
Testing of stabilized material consists of determination of water ratio, bulk density, uniaxial compression tests to determine shear strength and E-modulus, and resonant frequency measurements of p-wave velocity to see growth over time.
In addition to mixing attempts, we also offer printing of core samples from stabilized soil columns and jet injection, as well as advanced seismic measurement with bending elements.
The shear punch attempts is a relatively new method developed by SGI to determine the shear strength of clays.
The shear punch attempts can be used as a complement to drop cone attempts and direct shear attempts to investigate the shear strength of a clay. A clay sample is placed in a specially designed row with a punch at the bottom. During the test, the punch is pressed into the sample at a speed of 0.8 mm/min and causes a well-defined shear failure. During the shear punch attempt, both deformation and load development are measured, from which elongation at break and direct undrained shear strength can be calculated.
You can order it both as a stand-alone analysis and as an extension of a routine analysis.
For more information see SGI's report.
We perform high quality CRS attempts to determine preconsolidation pressures, oedometer moduli and permeability. We always perform a plausibility assessment of evaluated parameters and we always try to provide feedback to our customers regarding sample quality and empirical correlations.
When performing three or more CRS attempts within a mission, we compile all evaluated parameters as well as an even more accurate account of sample quality and empirical correlations.
CRS attempts are carried out in climate rooms that maintain a temperature of approx. +7°.
Staged oedometer attempts are mainly carried out today to determine creep parameters that are used in calculations of long-term settlements. Incremental oedometer trials should be carried out to a greater extent to obtain representative parameters.
In incremental oedometer attempts, unloading and loading can also be performed to determine the oedometer modulus M0 for stresses below the preconsolidation pressure.
The oedometer attempts are carried out in climate rooms that maintain a temperature of approx. +7°.
In addition to careful craftsmanship, high-quality and controlled equipment is a prerequisite for professional laboratory services.
We therefore carry out regular and thorough checks incl. cleaning of our equipment. This can, for example, consist of scale calibration, ultrasonic washing of filter stones, checking of the tip angle of cones with a USB microscope and weight, as well as checking of different types of sensors, including pore pressure, load cells or position sensors.